Download Digital Technical Journals, a collection of VMS articles published by DEC in 1985-1998 covering the engineering behind various features of VAX/VMS, OpenVMS for Alpha, DECnet, and other DEC products.

DTJ No.1
VAX 8600 Processor
- An Overview of the VAX 8600 System
- The VAX 8600 I Box, A Pipelined Implementation of the VAX Architecture
- The F Box, Floating Point in the VAX 8600 System
- Packaging the VAX 8600 Processor
- Signal Integrity in the VAX 8600 System
- Cooling the VAX 8600 Processor
- Designing reliability into the VAX 8600 System
August 1985

DTJ No.2
MicroVAX II System
- The MicroVAX 78032 Chip, A 32-Bit Microprocessor
- The MicroVAX 78132 Floating Point Chip
- Developing the MicroVAX II CPU Board
- The Evolution of the Custom CAD Suite Used on the Micro VAX 11 System
- The Making of a MicroVAX Workstation
- The RQDX3 Design Project
- The Evolution of Instruction Emulation for the MicroVAX Systems
- The TK50 Cartridge Tape Drive
- Porting ULTRIX Software to the MicroVAX System
March 1986

DTJ No.3
Networking Products
- Digital Network Architecture Overview
- Performance Analysis and Modeling of Digital's Networking Architecture
- The DECnet/SNA Gateway Product - A Case Study in Cross Vendor Networking
- The Extended Local Area Network Architecture and LANBridge 100
- Terminal Servers on Ethernet Local Area Networks
- The DECnet-VAX Product-An Integrated Approach to Networking
- The DECnet-ULTRIX Software
- The DECnet-DOS System
- The Evolution of Network Management Products
- The NMCC/DECnet Monitor Design
September 1986

DTJ No.4
VAX 8800 Family
- An Overview of the Four Systems in the VAX 8800 Family
- The VAX 8800 Microarchitecture
- The CPU Clock System in the VAX 8800 Family
- Aspects of the VAX 8800 C Box Design
- The Memory System in the VAX 8800 Family
- Floating Point in the VXX 8800 Family
- The VAX 8800 Input/Output System
- The VAXBI Bus - A Randomly Configurable Design
- A Logical Grounding Scheme for the VAX 8800 Processor
- The Simulation of Processor Performance for the VAX 8800 Family
- VMS Multiprocessing on the VAX 8800 Systems
- A Parallel Implementation of the Circuit Simulator SPICE on the VAX 8800 System
- The Impact of VAX 8800 Design Methodology on CAD Development
- On-line Manufacturing Data Access on the VAX 8800 Project
February 1987

DTJ No.5
VAXcluster Systems
- The VAXcluster Concept: An Overview of a Distributed System
- The System Communication Architecture
- The VAX/VMS Distributed Lock Manager
- The Design and Implementation of a Distributed File System
- Local Area VAXcluster Systems
- VAXcluster Availability Modeling
- System Level Performance of VAX 8974 and 8978 Systems
- CI Bus Arbitration Performance in a VAXcluster System
September 1987

DTJ No.6
Software Productivity Tools
- VAX/VMS Software Development Environment
- Software Productivity Measurements
- Language-Sensitive Editor
- VAX SCAN: Rule-based Text Processing Software
- Software Productivity Features Provided by the Ada Language and the VAX Ada Compiler
- Programmer Productivity Aspects of the VAX GKS and VAX PHIGS Products
- The VAX RALLY System - A Relational Fourth-Generation Language
- VTX and VALU - Software Productivity Tools for Distributed Applications Development
- Pragmatics in the Development of VAX Ada
- Development of a Graphical Program Generator
- Project Management of the VAX DEC/Test Manager Software Version 2.0
- Development of the VAX NOTES System
- Software Usability Engineering
February 1988

DTJ No.7
CVAX-based Systems
- An Overview of the VAX 6200 Family of Systems
- The Architectural Definition Process of the VAX 6200 Family
- Interfacing a VAX Microprocessor to a High-speed Multiprocessing Bus
- The Role of Computer-aided Engineering in the Design of the VAX 6200 System
- VMS Symmetric Multiprocessing
- Performance Evaluation of the VAX 6200 Systems
- Overview of the Micro VAX 3500/3600 Processor Module
- Design of the MicroVAX 3500/3600 Second-level Cache
- The CVAX 78034 Chip, a 32-bit Second-generation VAX Microprocessor
- Development of the CVAX Floating Point Chip
- The System Support Chip, a Multifunction Chip for CVAX Systems
- Development of the CVAX Q22-bus Interface Chip
- The CVAX CMCTL - A CMOS Memory Controller Chip
August 1988

DTJ No.8
Storage Technology
- The Hierarchical Storage Controller, A Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor as Storage Server
- Performance Aspects of the HSC Controller
- VAXsimPLUS, A Fault Manager Implementation
- Disk Drive Technology Improvements in the RA90
- Control Systems Technology in Digital's Disk Drives
- Magnetic Domain Observations in Thin-film Heads Using Kerr Microscopy
- Margin Analysis on Magnetic Disk Recording Channels
- High Availability Mechanisms of VAX DBMS Software
- A Relational Database Management System for Production Applications
February 1989

DTJ No.9
Distributed Systems
- Development of the VAX Distributed Name Service
- Design and Implementation of the VAX Distributed File Service
- Remote System Management in Network Environments
- The Evolution of the MAILbus
- VAX/VMS Services for MS-DOS
- The WAVE Tools Base for Protocol Testing
- Performance Evaluation of Distributed Applications and Services in the DECnet Environment
- Measurement and Analysis Techniques for DECnet Products
- Modeling and Analysis of the DECnet/SNA Gateway
June 1989

DTJ Volume 2 No.1
Compound Document Architecture
- CDA Overview
- The Digital Document Interchange Format
- The Digital Table Interchange Format
- Development of the CDA Toolkit
- Interapplication Access and Integration
- The Design and Development of the DECdecision Product
- The Relationship between the DECwrite Editor and the Digital Document Interchange Format
- CDA in Science and Engineering
Winter 1990

DTJ Volume 2 No.2
VAX 6000 Model 400 System
- Vector Processing on the VAXvector 6000 Model 400
- The VAX 6000 Model 400 Scalar Processor Module
- An Overview of the VAX 6000 Model 400 Chip Set
- VAX 6000 Model 400 Physical Technology
- VAX 6000 Model 400 CPU Chip Set Functional Design Verification
- Test and Qualification of the VAX 6000 Model 400 System
- Development of the DECstation 3100
- Compiler Optimization in RISC Systems
Spring 1990

DTJ Volume 2 No.3
DECwindows Program
- An Overview of the DECwindows Architecture
- The Sample X11 Server Architecture
- Development of the XU1 Toolkit
- The DECwindows User Interface Language
- The Evolution of the X User Interface Style
- PEX: A Network-transparent Three-dimensional Graphics System
- XDPS: A Display Postscript System Extension for DECwindows
- The Development of DECwindows VMS Mail
- Ethernet Performance of Remote DECwindows Applications
Summer 1990

DTJ Volume 2 No.4
VAX 9000 series
- Design Strategy for the VAX 9000 System
- VAX Instructions That Illustrate the Architectural Features of the VAX 9000 CPU
- Semiconductor Technology in a High-performance VAX System
- Vector Processing on the VAX 9000 System
- HDSC and Multichip Unit Design and Manufacture
- The VAX 9000 Service Processor Unit
- Some Unique Features of the VAX 9000 Power System Design
- Synthesis in the CAD System Used to Design the VAX 9000 System
- Hierarchical Fault Detection and Isolation Strategy for the VAX 9000 System
Fall 1990

DTJ Volume 3 No.1
Transaction Processing, Databases and Fault-tolerant Systems
- DECdta - Digital's Distributed Transaction Processing Architecture
- Digital's Transaction Processing Monitors
- Transaction Management Support in the VMS Operating System Kernel
- Performance Evaluation of Transaction Processing Systems
- Tools and Techniques for Preliminary Sizing of Transaction Processing Applications
- Database Availability for Transaction Processing
- Designing an Optimized Transaction Commit Protocol
- Verification of the First Fault-tolerant VMS system
Winter 1991

DTJ Volume 3 No.2
Fiber Distributed Data Interface
- Fiber Distributed Data Interface Overview
- Development of the FDDI Physical Layer
- FDDI Data Link Development
- An Overview of the Common Node Software
- Development of the DECbridge 500 Product
- The DECconcentrator 500 Product
- DECelms - Managing Digital's FDDI and Ethernet Extended Local Area Networks
- ULTRIX Fiber Distributed Data Interface Networking Subsystem Implementation
Spring 1991

DTJ Volume 3 No.3
Availability in VAXcluster Systems; Network Performance and Adapters
- Design of VMS Volume Shadowing Phase II - Host-based Shadowing
- Application Design in a VAXcluster System
- New Availability Features of Local Area VAXcluster Systems
- Design of the DEC LANcontroller 400 Adapter
- The Architecture and Implementation of a High-performance FDDI Adapter
- Performance Analysis of a High-speed FDDI Adapter
- Performance Analysis of FDDI
Summer 1991

DTJ Volume 3 No.4
Image Processing, Video Terminals, and Printer Technologies
- Hardware Accelerators for Bitonal Image Processing
- X Window Terminals
- ACCESS.bus, an Open Desktop Bus
- Design of the DECprint Common Printer Supervisor for VMS Systems
- The Common Printer Access Protocol
- Design of the Turbo Printserver 20 Controller
Fall 1991

DTJ Volume 4 No.1
PATHWORKS: PC Integration Software
- An Overview of the PATHWORKS Product Family
- PATHWORKS for VMS File Server
- The Development of an Optimized PATHWORKS Transport Interface
- Design of the PATHWORKS for ULTRIX File Server
- DECnet Transport Architecture
- Microsoft Windows Network Virtual Device Drivers in PATHWORKS for DOS
- eXcursion for Windows: Integrating Two Windowing Systems
- Capacity Modeling of PATHWORKS Client-Server Workloads
Winter 1992

DTJ Volume 4 No.2
Semiconductor Technologies
- Microprocessor Performance and Process Complexity in CMOS Technologies
- Numerical Device and Process Simulation Tools in Transistor Design
- CMOS-4 Technology for Fast Logic and Dense on-chip Memory
- CMOS-4 Back-end Process Development for a VLSI 0.75µm Triple-level Interconnection Technology
- Implementation of Defect Reduction Strategies into VLSI Manufacturing
- A Yield Enhancement Methodology for Custom VLSI Manufacturing
- Transistor Hot Carrier Reliability Assurance in CMOS Technologies
- Electromigration Reliability of VLSI Interconnect
Spring 1992

DTJ Volume 4 No.3
NVAX-microprocessor VAX Systems
- The NVAX and NVAX+ High-performance VAX Microprocessors
- The NVAX CPU Chip: Design Challenges, Methods, and CAD Tools
- Logical Verification of the NVAX CPU Chip Design
- The VAX 6000 Model 600 Processor
- Design of the VAX 4000 Model 400, 500, and 600 Systems
- The Design of the VAX 4000 Model 100 and MicroVAX 3100 Model 90 Desktop Systems
- The VAXstation 4000 Model 90
- VAX 6000 Error Handling: A Pragmatic Approach
Summer 1992

DTJ Volume 4 No.4 Special Edition
Alpha AXP Architecture and Systems
- Alpha AXP Architecture
- A 200-MHz 64-bit Dual-issue CMOS Microprocessor
- The Alpha Demonstration Unit: A High-performance Multiprocessor for Software and Chip Development
- Design and Performance of the DEC 4000 AXP Departmental Server Computing Systems
- Technical Description of the DEC 7000 and DEC 10000 AXP Family
- Porting OpenVMS from VAX to Alpha AXP
- The GEM Optimizing Compiler System
- Binary Translation
- Porting Digital's Database Management Products to the Alpha
- DECnet for OpenVMS AXP: A Case History
- Using Simulation to Develop and Port Software
Special Issue 1992

DTJ Volume 5 No.1
DECnet Open Networking
- Overview of Digital's Open Networking
- The DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Version 5.5 Implementation
- The ULTRIX Implementation of DECnet/OSI
- High-performance TCP/IP and UDP/IP Networking in DEC OSF/1 for Alpha AXP
- Routing Architecture
- Digital's Multiprotocol Routing Software Design
- The DECNIS 500/600 Multiprotocol Bridge/Router and Gateway
- Frame Relay Networks
- An Implementation of the OSI Upper Layers and Applications
- Network Management
- Design of the DECmcc Management Director
Winter 1993

DTJ Volume 5 No.2
Multimedia; Application Control
- Video Rendering
- Software Motion Pictures
- Digital Audio Compression
- The Megadoc Image Document Management System
- The Design of Multimedia Object Support in DEC Rdb
- DECspin - A Networked Desktop Videoconferencing Application
- LAN Addressing for Digital Video Data
- CASE Integration Using ACA Services
- DEC@aGlance - Integration of Desktop Tools and Manufacturing Process Information Systems
Spring 1993

DTJ Volume 5 No.3
Product Internationalization
- International Cultural Differences in Software
- Unicode: A Universal Character Code
- The X/Open Internationalization Model
- The Ordering of Universal Character Strings
- International Distributed Systems - Architectural and Practical Issues
- Supporting the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Languages in the OpenVMS Operating System
- Character Internationalization in Databases: A Case Study
- Japanese Input Method Independent of Applications
Summer 1993

DTJ Volume 5 No.4
Software Process and Quality
- Modeling the Cost of Software Quality
- Changing the Rules: A Pragmatic Approach to Product Development
- Defining Global Requirements with Distributed QFD
- DEC TP WORKcenter: A Software Process Case Study
- SEI-based Process Improvement Efforts at Digital
- Assessing the Quality of OpenVMS AXP: Software Measurement Using Subjective Data
Fall 1993

DTJ Volume 6 No.1
High-performance Networking; OpenVMS AXP System Software; Alpha AXP PC Hardware
- GIGAswitch System: A High-performance Packet-switching Platform
- Performance of DEC Rdb Vision 60 on AXP System
- Improving Process to Increase Productivity While Assuring Quality: A Case Study of the Volume Shadowing Port to OpenVMS AXP
- The Evolution of the Alpha AXP PC
- Digital's DECchip 21066: The First Cost-focused Alpha AXP Chip
Winter 1994

DTJ Volume 6 No.2
Alpha AXP Partners - Cray, Raytheon, Kubota; DECchip 21071/21072 PCI Chip Sets; DLT2000 Tape Drive
- A Shared Memory MPP from Cray Research
- The E2COTS System and Alpha AXP Technology: The New Computer Standard for Military Use
- Volume Rendering with the Kubota 30 Imaging and Graphics Accelerator
- Development of Digital's PCI Chip Sets and Evaluation Kit for the DECchip 21064 Microprocessor
- Analysis of Data Compression in the DLT2000 Tape Drive
Spring 1994

DTJ Volume 6 No.3
AlphaServer Multiprocessing Systems; DEC OSF/1 Symmetric Multiprocessing; Scientific Computing Optimizations for Alpha
- Design of the AlphaServer Multiprocessor Server Systems
- The AlphaServer 2100 I/O Subsystem
- DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0 Symmetric Multiprocessing Implementation
- DXML: A High-performance Scientific Subroutine Library
- The KAP Parallelizer for DEC Fortran and DEC C Programs
Summer 1994

DTJ Volume 6 No.4
RAID Array Controllers; Workflow Models; PC LAN and System Management Tools
- The Architecture and Design of HS-series Storageworks Array Controllers
- Policy Resolution in Workflow Management Systems
- The Design of DECmodel for Windows
- The Design of ManageWORKS: A User Interface Framework
- The Structure of the OpenVMS Management Station
- Automatic, Network-directed Operating System Software Upgrades: A Platform-independent Approach
Fall 1994

DTJ Volume 7 No.1
Database Integration; Alpha Servers & Workstations; Alpha 21164 CPU
- DB Integrator: Open Middleware for Data Access
- ACMSxp Open Distributed Transaction Processing
- An Open, Distributable, Three-tier, Client-Server Architecture with Transaction Semantics
- The AlphaServer 8000 Series: High-end Server Platform Development
- Digital's High-performance CMOS ASIC
- The Second-generation Processor Module for AlphaServer 2100 Systems
- The Design and Verification of the AlphaStation 600 5-series Workstation
- Circuit Implementation of a 300-MHz 64-bit Second-generation CMOS Alpha CPU
- Internal Organization of the Alpha 21164, a 300-MHz 64-bit Quad-issue CMOS RISC Microprocessor
- Functional Verification of a Multiple-issue, Pipelined, Superscalar Alpha Processor - the Alpha 21164 CPU Chip
- Engineering Milestone in Digital's History (Insert)
Special 10th Anniversary Issue 1995

DTJ Volume 7 No.2
Graphical Software Development, Systems Engineering
- DEC FUSE: Building a Graphical Software Development Environment from UNIX Tools
- Adding a Data Visualization Tool to DEC FUSE
- Multivendor Integration Architecture: Standards, Compliance Testing, and Applications
- Integrating Applications with Digital's Framework-based Environment
- Project Gabriel: Automated Software Deployment in a Large Commercial Network

DTJ Volume 7 No.3
High Performance Fortran in Parallel Environments, Sequoia 2000 Research
- Compiling High Performance Fortran for Distributed-memory Systems
- Design of Digital's Parallel Software Environment
- An Overview of the Sequoia 2000 Project
- The Sequoia 2000 Electronic Repository
- Tecate: A Software Platform for Browsing and Visualizing Data from Networked Data Sources
- High-performance I/0 and Networking Software in Sequoia 2000

DTJ Volume 7 No.4
Audio and Video Technologies; UNIX Available Servers, Real-time Debugging Tools
- DECtalk Software: Text-to-Speech Technology and Implementation
- The J300 Family of Video and Audio Adapters: Architecture and Hardware Design
- The J300 Family of Video and Audio Adapters: Software Architecture
- Software-only Compression, Rendering, and Playback of Digital Video
- Integrating Video Rendering into Graphics Accelerator Chips
- Technical Description of the DECsafe Available Server Environment
- Parasight: Debugging and Analyzing Real-time Applications under Digital UNIX

DTJ Volume 8 No.1
Digital UNIX Clusters; Object Modification Tools; eXcursion for Windows Operating Systems; Network Directory Services
- Design of the TruCluster Multicomputer System for the Digital UNIX Environment
- Delivering Binary Object Modification Tools for Program Analysis and Optimization
- Design of eXcursion Version 2 for Windows, Windows NT, and Windows 95
- Integrating Multiple Directory Services
- Design of the Common Directory Interface for DECnet/OSI

DTJ Volume 8 No.2
Spiralog Log-structured File System; OpenVMS for 64-bit Addressable Virtual memory; High-performance Message Passing for Clusters; Speech Recognition Software
- Overview of the Spiralog File System
- Design of the Server for the Spiralog File System
- Designing a Fast, On-line Backup System for a Log-structured File System
- Integrating the Spiralog File System into the OpenVMS Operating System
- Extending OpenVMS for 64-bit Addressable Virtual Memory
- The OpenVMS Mixed Pointer Size Environment
- Adding 64-bit Pointer Support to a 32-bit Run-time Library
- Building a High-performance Message-passing System for Memory Channel Clusters
- The Design of User Interfaces for Digital Speech Recognition Software

DTJ Volume 8 No.3
Internet Protocol V6; Preservation of Historical Computer Systems; Fortran for Parallel Computing; Server Performance Evaluation and Optimization; Internet Collaboration Software
- Internet Protocol Version 6 and the Digital UNIX Implementation Experience
- Preserving Computing's Past: Restoration and Simulation
- Modern Fortran Revived as the Language of Scientific Parallel Computing
- Performance Measurement of TruCluster Systems under the TPC-C Benchmark
- Performance Analysis Using Very Large Memory on the 64-bit Alphaserver System
- Building Collaboration Software for the Internet

DTJ Volume 8 No.4
AlphaServer 4100 System; Oracle and Sybase Database Products for VLM; Instruction Execution on Alpha Processors
- AlphaServer 4100 Performance Characterization
- The AlphaServer 4100 Cached Processor Module Architecture and Design
- The AlphaServer 4100 Low-cost Clock Distribution System
- Design and Implementation of the AlphaServer 4100 CPU and Memory Architecture
- High Performance I/0 Design in the AlphaServer 4100 Symmetric Multiprocessing System
- Design of the 64-bit Option for the Oracle7 Relational Database Management System
- VLM Capabilities of the Sybase System 11 SQL Server
- Measured Effects of Adding Byte and Word Instructions to the Alpha Architecture

DTJ Volume 9 No.1
FX!32 Emulation and Translation; Visual Fortran; Memory Channel 2 Interconnect; ObjectBroker Security; StrongARM Microprocessor
- DIGITAL FX!32: Combining Emulation and Binary Translation
- Development of the Fortran Module Wizard within DIGITAL Visual Fortran
- Architecture and Implementation of MEMORY CHANNEL 2
- Integrating ObjectBroker and DCE Security
- A 160-MHz, 32-b, 0.5-W CMOS RISC Microprocessor

DTJ Volume 9 No.2
AltaVista Internet Security and Mail; Alpha-based Workstations for NT and UNIX
- The AltaVista Tunnel: Using the Internet to Extend Corporate Networks
- Protecting a Private Network: The AltaVista Firewall
- Developing Internet Software: AltaVista Mail
- DIGITAL Personal Workstations: The Design of High-performance, Low-cost Alpha Systems
- Design of the 21174 Memory Controller for DIGITAL Personal Workstations

DTJ Volume 9 No.3
Parallel SCSI Technology; Router Clusters; Multiplatform 3-D Application Sharing; HPF Debugger
- Recent Advances in Basic Physical Technology for Parallel SCSI: UltraSCSI, Expanders, Interconnect, and Hot Plugging
- Development of Router Clusters to Provide Fast Failover in IP Networks
- Shared Desktop: A Collaborative Tool for Sharing 3-D Applications among Different Window Systems
- Challenges in Designing an HPF Debugger

DTJ Volume 9 No.4
Spike Optimizer for Alpha Executables; Analysis of Memory Access Patterns; OpenVMS Alpha VLM; PowerStorm 4DT Graphics Adapter; Fast Application-level Networking
- Optimizing Alpha Executables on Windows NT with Spike
- Analyzing Memory Access Patterns of Programs on Alpha-based Architectures
- OpenVMS Alpha 64-bit Very Large Memory Design
- PowerStorm 4DT A High-performance Graphics Software Architecture
- DART Fast Application-level Networking via Data-copy Avoidance

DTJ Volume 10 No.1 Final Edition
Programming Languages & Tools
- Tracing and Characterization of Windows NT-based System Workloads
- Automatic Template Instantiation in DIGITAL C++
- Measurement and Analysis of C and C++ Performance
- Alias Analysis in the DEC C and DIGITAL C++ Compilers
- Compiler Optimization for Superscalar Systems: Global Instruction Scheduling without Copies
- Maximizing Multiprocessor Performance with the SUIF Compiler
- Debugging Optimized Code: Concepts and Implementation on DIGITAL Alpha Systems
- Differential Testing for Software

Cumulative Index to Volumes 1 through 6
Cumulative Index 1985-1994
- Preface
- Subject Index
- Volume Listing
- Author Listing
- Acronym Glossary