VMS Software Adds Clustering to Community License

Today VMS Software is pleased to announce an improved Community License Program (CLP) offering.
On July 28, 2020, VMS Software released the VSI Community License Program. As part of the program, limited VSI OpenVMS licenses were given out to community members using OpenVMS for non-commercial purposes such as open source software development, instruction, maintaining hobbyist environments, etc. While the community feedback was mostly positive, it suggested that some enhancements could be made to the CLP.
The absence of Integrity OpenVMS clustering capability limited the usefulness of the initial program for many in the community. It turns out that a large number of participants run home clusters on legacy hardware; others work on cluster aware free software. The CLP update addresses this concern by including OpenVMS Clustering licensing on Integrity.
Additionally, the CLP update licenses Host Based Volume Shadowing on Integrity and licenses all Alpha system models.
New updated PAKs will be sent to the current holders of Community Licenses automatically within the next few days; new requests are accepted here as usual. The Community License Agreement remains unchanged. VMS Software, Inc. thanks the OpenVMS Community for your involvement and feedback.