A partial OpenVMS implementation of Git, a popular version control system. It works with remote repository services such as GitHub and Bitbucket and has many commands available for Git clients on other platforms.
Git is a widely-used, distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code throughout the software development lifecycle. It supports a growing subset of git functionality, making it possible for the OpenVMS platform and OpenVMS application developers to participate in a heterogeneous application development environment. It permits interaction with commonly used software version control services such as GitHub and BitBucket.
Commands and Features
The following commands are available in the latest version of vGit:
- add
- blame
- branch
- checkout
- clone
- commit
- config user
- config http.proxy
- diff
- fetch
- init
- ls-remote
- merge
- pull
- push
- rebase
- remote add
- remote show
- rm
- show-index
- show-ref
- stash
- status
- tag -d
- tag list
- reset
- log
- version
vGit has the following restrictions:
- Repositories and your login directory must be on an ODS-5 file system
- Files must be stream-lf
Latest Version
Alpha | Integrity | X86 |
V1.4-1B | V1.4-1C | V1.4-1C |