VMSI18N (C/C++ I18N) (Internationalization Data Kit)
A internationalization data kit that provides locale data and iconv code converters for international software, utilities, and VSI C international run-time routines.
Application developers create international software by using the VSI C RTL that obtains information about a language and a culture by reading information from locale files. This kit contains all supported locale files. The kit also contains a set of Unicode codeset converters that allows conversion between any supported codeset (including DEC Multinational Character Set and Microsoft Code Page 437) to any Unicode encoding (UCS-2, UCS-4, or UTF-8).
Latest Version
Alpha | Integrity | X86 |
V8.4-2L1 | V8.4-2 | V9.2 |
Integrity: BOE.
Alpha: ALPHA-LP.