FMS (Forms Management System)
A character-cell based forms management system for interactive applications running on OpenVMS systems that use video forms as the user interface.
VSI FMS Development provides application programmers with a set of development tools to create and maintain forms-based user interfaces. FMS Run-Time provides a runtime system for displaying and managing the user interface at execution time.
- Forms can be created and modified interactively with the interactive editing facility (FMS/EDIT), or they can be defined as a source form description with the Form Language and then converted to a form data structure using the Form Language Translator (FMS/TRANSLATE).
- High degree of independence between form data structures and application programs.
- FMS/LIBRARY is provided to create and maintain form libraries.
- Form testing facility allows the application developer to display a form the same way it would be displayed by an application program, to type data into fields, and to display field Help.
Latest Version
Alpha | Integrity | X86 |
V2.6-1 | V2.6-2 | V2.6-4 |
x86: per core.
Integrity: per active socket.
Alpha: ALPHA-LP.