Tag: x86

VSI Application Services – How Can We Help?

Following on from the recent webinar in which we briefly introduced VSI Application Services, I thought it might be worth providing a little more information by way of a short blog post. Looking at it very simply, VSI Application Services are a set of services designed to help you get the most out of your OpenVMS application environments, and while the primary aim is to provide services to help you move your OpenVMS applications to VSI OpenVMS x86-64, the overall scope of the services portfolio is much more general than that, ranging from workshops and small consulting engagements to investigate and advise on various modernisation options, through to assistance with major modernisation initiatives (such as porting to x86-64), and application maintenance and support, where we take over the task of looking after your application code. In short, if it’s anything to do with maintaining and enhancing your OpenVMS application environment, we are here to help, and we’d love to hear from you!

Aug 29th, 2024